How Dayton Children’s Hospital Transformed Its Approach to Clinical Workforce Planning

Dayton Children's Hospital recently partnered with SullivanCotter to conduct a comprehensive Provider Needs Assessment. In this case study, we highlight how organizations can utilize clinical supply and demand data to develop a well-informed 'master plan' for recruitment and hiring decisions.

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INFOGRAPHIC | Academic Medical Center Compensation Trends

Learn how your academic medical center compares to national benchmarks with data-driven insight into pay levels, productivity, work effort allocation and more.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2023 Physician and APP Compensation Trends

Learn more about median TCC increases for physicians and APPs by major specialty grouping over the past five years.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2023 Physician Compensation Insights

According to SullivanCotter’s 2023 Physician Compensation and Productivity Survey report, physician supply and demand imbalances have resulted in total cash compensation increases as well as increased pressure on physician employers to reduce annual work effort expectations in many shift-based specialties.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2022 Physician and APP On-Call Compensation Survey

With over 280 participating organizations providing information on nearly 2,950 individual call contracts, the 2022 Provider On-Call Compensation Survey provides hospitals and health systems with the data they need to help address complex call pay issues, negotiate contracts and evaluate physician fair market value.

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INFOGRAPHIC | Split/Shared Billing – Change Management

Struggling to understand the recent changes to split/shared billing and how it will affect physician and APP workflow? View a timeline of past and upcoming changes to help properly plan for and address the pending modifications.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2023 Physician Fee Schedule Changes

Does your organization understand how changes to the 2023 Physician Fee Schedule may affect wRVU productivity in different specialties and settings - including hospital inpatient and observation, emergency services and skilled nursing facilities?

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2022 Physician Compensation and Productivity Survey

To help organizations address the impact of recent changes to the Physician Fee Schedule, SullivanCotter’s 2022 Physician Compensation and Productivity Survey Report includes two sets of benchmarks based on wRVU values from both the 2020 and 2021 schedules.

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INFOGRAPHIC | Physician Workforce Trends in Pediatric Hospitals

Pediatric hospitals continue to face physician workforce recruitment and retention challenges due to unprecedented labor shortages, pay compression, burnout, retirements and increased competition for physician leadership talent.

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INFOGRAPHIC | Pulse Survey Results: 2021 Physician Fee Schedule Changes

Learn more about how organizations are addressing the 2021 Physician Fee Schedule changes with insight from SullivanCotter's recent pulse survey

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INFOGRAPHIC | Split/Shared Visits

Learn more about split/shared visits and the impact and opportunity of recent changes to the Physician Fee Schedule

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INFOGRAPHIC | Benchmarking Resources for the Medical Group Workforce

This year more than ever, medical groups require access to critical data-driven insights as they look to address the impact of COVID-19 on workforce compensation and productivity, prepare for the 2021 Physician Fee Schedule changes, and balance the need for competitive total reward programs against pressure on operating margins.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2020 Physician On-Call and Telemedicine Compensation Survey

Designing effective arrangements to support physician on-call and telemedicine programs is critical, and starts with gaining access to the right data. View highlights from the 2020 survey results to learn more!

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2020 Physician Compensation and Productivity Survey

View highlights of the results from SullivanCotter's 2020 Physician Compensation and Productivity Survey as well as considerations for using the 2020 benchmark data to assess the competitiveness of physician compensation programs and incentive practices.

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INFOGRAPHIC | Considerations for Addressing the 2021 E&M Work RVU Changes

SullivanCotter highlights a list of considerations organizations should be thinking about as they look to address CMS' final 2021 changes to the E&M CPT codes and their corresponding work RVU values.

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team of physicians assessing medical data and health records

INFOGRAPHIC | 2021 Evaluation and Management CPT Code Changes

Learn more about the upcoming 2021 adjustments to the Evaluation and Management CPT codes and how to assess the potential impact on physician compensation and productivity.

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INFOGRAPHIC | COVID-19 Physician and APP Compensation Practices Survey

View highlights SullivanCotter's COVID-19 Physician and Advanced Practice Provider Survey series- featuring data and insights from 100 different organizations.

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E&M Codes

Physicians: 2021 Evaluation and Management CPT Codes

SullivanCotter evaluates the impact of the 2021 Evaluation and Management CPT code changes on important physician compensation and productivity survey benchmarks.

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Navigating Commercial Reasonableness of Physician Compensation Arrangements

Understanding Commercial Reasonableness in the context of a rapidly changing health care environment is critical, but navigating what this requirement entails can often be challenging.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2019 Physician Compensation and Productivity Survey

As health care organizations today are faced with a number of competing forces, physician compensation programs continue to change in a rapidly evolving marketplace. View related highlights from SullivanCotter’s 2019 Physician Compensation and Productivity Survey, featuring data from nearly 700 hospitals and health systems.

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