PRESS RELEASE | 2023 Advanced Practice Provider Compensation and Productivity Survey

2023 survey results show larger increases for primary care, medical and surgical specialties (each at 5%) and modest growth for hospital-based specialties (2.5%) for both base and total cash compensation (TCC).

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Population Health

INFOGRAPHIC | 2023 APP Compensation and Productivity Survey

Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) continue to play a critical role in enhancing patient access, lowering the cost of care, and addressing the growing physician shortage.

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ARTICLE | Studying the Effects of Pay Transparency

Many states have enacted pay transparency laws that are intended to enhance the visibility of compensation practices to job candidates and current employees.

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WEBINAR | 2023 Clinical Workforce Trends

View SullivanCotter's on-demand webinar, revealing the latest health care industry trends, informed by our recent employee workforce surveys.

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INFOGRAPHIC | A Data-Driven Approach to Clinical Workforce Planning

SullivanCotter's Provider Needs Assessment (PNA) provided Sentara Health with insight into the current and projected clinical workforce needed to best serve patients across diverse markets.

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Sentara Health: A Data-Driven Approach to Clinical Workforce Planning

SullivanCotter's Provider Needs Assessment (PNA) delivers insight into an organization’s current and projected clinical workforce needs. In this case study, learn about the challenges Sentara Health was experiencing, their approach to clinical workforce planning and the results after implementing SullivanCotter’s PNA.

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Pay Equity: More than an Annual Analysis

There are several statistical methods used to examine pay equity between select groups. However, all attempt to achieve the same ends of controlling for differences between groups when analyzing the compensation between those groups. Thus, if the groups are equivalent in all relevant respects, would they (e.g., men and women) be paid the same?

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PRESS RELEASE | 2023 Physician Compensation and Productivity Survey

SullivanCotter’s data represent the largest and most comprehensive physician compensation resource for health systems and hospitals, with findings reported on more than 306,765 physicians, APPs and PhDs.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2023 Physician Compensation Insights

According to SullivanCotter’s 2023 Physician Compensation and Productivity Survey report, physician supply and demand imbalances have resulted in total cash compensation increases as well as increased pressure on physician employers to reduce annual work effort expectations in many shift-based specialties.

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PRESS RELEASE | 2023 Executive Compensation Survey

Health care organizations and boards should continue to balance competitive talent markets with an uncertain performance environment.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2023 Executive Workforce Trends

Sullivan Cotter’s 2023 Health Care Management and Executive Compensation Survey Report highlights proprietary market findings from our latest survey

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ARTICLE | Bridging the Union vs. Non-Union Compensation Gap

While addressing competitive base pay is critical to managing the pay gap between union vs. union health care workers (particularly RNs), health care organizations need to take a more holistic and balanced approach to deliver innovative solutions to meet the workforce needs.

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PRESS RELEASE | SullivanCotter Co-Sourcing Services Help Health Care Providers Address Labor Shortage, Add Critical Skills and Optimize HR Resources

SullivanCotter, the nation’s leading independent consulting firm in the assessment and development of total rewards programs, workforce solutions, and data products for health care and not-for-profits, has announced its new co-sourcing services, designed to address the health care labor shortage and maintain critical skills needed to keep providers running at peak performance.

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Modern Healthcare | 2023 Annual Physician Compensation Article

Physician compensation is on the rise as provider organizations try to attract more doctors in a tight labor environment.

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INFOGRAPHIC | Workforce Size

As health care organizations look for better ways to optimize care delivery and improve performance, effectively managing the size, shape and complexity of the workforce remains a key initiative.

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INFOGRAPHIC | Workforce Demographics

As important diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives remain a top priority for health care organizations nationwide, many are looking for greater insight into the diversity of their employee populations as represented across race, gender and other demographic characteristics.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2022 Physician and APP On-Call Compensation Survey

With over 280 participating organizations providing information on nearly 2,950 individual call contracts, the 2022 Provider On-Call Compensation Survey provides hospitals and health systems with the data they need to help address complex call pay issues, negotiate contracts and evaluate physician fair market value.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2023 CRNA Compensation and Pay Practices

SullivanCotter’s Advanced Practice Provider (APP) Compensation and Productivity Survey provides critical base salary and total cash compensation benchmarking information for APPs, including CRNAs.

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INFOGRAPHIC | CMS Proposes Further Delay in Split/Shared Billing Changes

Struggling to understand the recent changes to split/shared billing and how it will affect physician and APP workflow? View a timeline of past and upcoming changes to help properly plan for and address the pending modifications.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2023 Executive Compensation Planning

SullivanCotter can help your organization design a comprehensive executive compensation program that supports your team.

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