Press Release | SullivanCotter Opens Participation for 2025 Health Care Compensation Surveys
For more than 30 years, SullivanCotter has provided critical benchmarks and comprehensive total compensation information, analyses, and research to the nation’s top hospitals and health systems.
Press Release | Health Care Executive Pay Increases Reflect Competitive Talent Market
Results from SullivanCotter's 2024 Health Care Management and Executive Compensation Survey show that median base salaries grew by 5.2% – reflecting the high demand for executive talent.
INFOGRAPHIC | 2024 Health Care Management and Executive Compensation Survey
Download our infographic to learn more about annual changes in executive compensation, annual incentive plan provisions, and high-demand roles and emerging positions.
Modern Healthcare | How systems are changing compensation to attract executive talent
Attracting and retaining executive talent in today's market is no easy feat. Many organizations are paying higher salaries, reassessing incentives, and investing more in key positions to stay competitive. Learn more from Modern Healthcare's annual executive compensation feature.
Executive Span of Control | Identifying the Optimal Structure
Utilizing data-driven insights from its Workforce Metrics Benchmark Database, SullivanCotter shares strategies for optimizing executive span of control with health systems.
Examining the Implications of Increasing Executive Pay Scrutiny
The executive talent market remains highly competitive as the demand for leadership with the necessary skills and experience to lead through such unprecedented times continues to outpace supply. This is driving up executive compensation in an already competitive market.
INFOGRAPHIC | 2022 Workforce Metrics Benchmark Survey
Utilizing data from SullivanCotter’s 2022 Workforce Metrics Benchmark Survey – which includes information on 10 job families, 6 career level stages, and 3 demographic groupings – organizations can reevaluate their employee workforce planning and distribution efforts to help offset rising costs and create a more sustainable workforce architecture.
PODCAST | Governing Health – Executive Compensation
Featured in McDermott Will & Emery's Governing Health Podcast Series, SullivanCotter's Tim Cotter provides insight into a number of trends and challenges facing the Executive Compensation Committee in today's environment.
INFOGRAPHIC | 2022 Health Care Management and Executive Compensation Survey
SullivanCotter’s Health Care Management and Executive Compensation Survey includes data from more than 3,000 organizations on nearly 42,500 individual managers and executives - providing health care organizations with critical compensation market data, information on key executive workforce practices, and insight into emerging industry trends.
The Governance Institute | Executive Compensation in Pediatric Hospitals
SullivanCotter shares data and insights from a recent pulse survey on health care executive compensation in pediatric organizations
Modern Healthcare | 2022 Annual Executive Compensation Article
Modern Healthcare features data and insights from SullivanCotter to discuss how the competitive market for talent has impacted executive compensation and pay practices.
PRESS RELEASE | Health Care Executive Compensation
SullivanCotter's 2022 Health Care Management and Executive Compensation Survey Report highlights impact of the competitive talent market and pandemic recovery on executive compensation
INFOGRAPHIC | Remote Work and Geographic Pay
Learn more from SullivanCotter’s recent Remote Work and Geographic Pay Pulse Survey, which examines how health care organizations are responding to what has changed with respect to remote work policies, geographic pay differentials, and staffing models.
INFOGRAPHIC | Executive Compensation in Pediatric Hospitals
SullivanCotter recently conducted a pulse survey to help pediatric hospitals understand how their peers are addressing 2022 executive salary increase budgets and incentive awards for FY2021 performance.
INFOGRAPHIC | 2022 Executive Compensation Pulse Survey
SullivanCotter conducted a pulse survey to help participants understand how health systems are addressing FY2022 executive salary increase budgets, incentive awards for FY2021 performance and other actions to support executive recruitment and retention in this dynamic market.
Modern Healthcare | 2021: Annual Executive Compensation Article
SullivanCotter highlights the actions healthcare organizations are taking to draw in and retain executive talent in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
INFOGRAPHIC | Benchmarking Resources for the Medical Group Workforce
This year more than ever, medical groups require access to critical data-driven insights as they look to address the impact of COVID-19 on workforce compensation and productivity, prepare for the 2021 Physician Fee Schedule changes, and balance the need for competitive total reward programs against pressure on operating margins.
INFOGRAPHIC | 2020 Endowment and Foundation Investment Staff Compensation Survey
View highlights from SullivanCotter's 2020 Endowment and Investment Staff Compensation Survey
INFOGRAPHIC | 2020 Manager and Executive Compensation in Hospitals and Health Systems
View highlights of the results from SullivanCotter's Manager and Executive Compensation in Hospitals and Health Systems Survey as well as considerations for using the 2020 benchmark data and navigating future executive compensation decisions in light of COVID-19 and other market dynamics.
Modern Healthcare | 2020: Annual Executive Compensation Article
Featured in an August 2020 edition of Modern Healthcare, SullivanCotter helps to examine how health care organizations are adapting their executive compensation practices in response to COVID-19.
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