CRNAs play a critical role in meeting anesthesia coverage demands.
Is your organization effectively recruiting and retaining these providers?
Gain access to important compensation and pay practices benchmarks!
SullivanCotter’s APP Compensation and Productivity Survey provides critical, data-driven insight into changes in compensation and pay practices for certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs). Given the high demand for CRNAs, it’s important to stay up to date on the latest market trends and benchmarks.
Compensation for CRNAs is increasing faster than it is for both nurse practitioners and physician assistants due to ongoing anesthesiology workforce shortages. Total cash compensation for CRNAs grew by 9.6% from 2022-2023 alone. This large increase was likely due to the growth in surgical procedures as COVID-19 restrictions were lifted. It is expected that compensation will continue to increase over the next 3-5 years as the demand for CRNAs remains and staffing shortages persist.
Learn more from the latest results – including insight into base salary, total cash compensation, pay practices, work effort, and employment status!