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INFOGRAPHIC | Split/Shared Billing – Change Management

Struggling to understand the recent changes to split/shared billing and how it will affect physician and APP workflow? View a timeline of past and upcoming changes to help properly plan for and address the pending modifications.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2022 Workforce Metrics Benchmark Survey

Utilizing data from SullivanCotter’s 2022 Workforce Metrics Benchmark Survey – which includes information on 10 job families, 6 career level stages, and 3 demographic groupings – organizations can reevaluate their employee workforce planning and distribution efforts to help offset rising costs and create a more sustainable workforce architecture.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2023 Physician Fee Schedule Changes

Does your organization understand how changes to the 2023 Physician Fee Schedule may affect wRVU productivity in different specialties and settings - including hospital inpatient and observation, emergency services and skilled nursing facilities?

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2022 Health Care Staff Compensation Survey

SullivanCotter’s 2022 Health Care Staff Compensation Survey includes data from nearly 1,300 organizations on more than 1.2M individual employees- providing organizations with critical compensation market data, information on key employee workforce practices, and insight into emerging industry trends.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2022 Physician Compensation and Productivity Survey

To help organizations address the impact of recent changes to the Physician Fee Schedule, SullivanCotter’s 2022 Physician Compensation and Productivity Survey Report includes two sets of benchmarks based on wRVU values from both the 2020 and 2021 schedules.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2022 Health Care Management and Executive Compensation Survey

SullivanCotter’s Health Care Management and Executive Compensation Survey includes data from more than 3,000 organizations on nearly 42,500 individual managers and executives - providing health care organizations with critical compensation market data, information on key executive workforce practices, and insight into emerging industry trends.

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INFOGRAPHIC | 2022 APP Compensation and Productivity Survey

SullivanCotter’s 2022 Advanced Practice Provider Compensation and Productivity Survey includes data from nearly 700 organizations on more than 100,000 individual APPs from across the country - providing health care organizations with critical compensation market data, information on key APP workforce practices, and insight into emerging industry trends.

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remote work health care

INFOGRAPHIC | Remote Work and Geographic Pay

Learn more from SullivanCotter’s recent Remote Work and Geographic Pay Pulse Survey, which examines how health care organizations are responding to what has changed with respect to remote work policies, geographic pay differentials, and staffing models.

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INFOGRAPHIC | Physician Workforce Trends in Pediatric Hospitals

Pediatric hospitals continue to face physician workforce recruitment and retention challenges due to unprecedented labor shortages, pay compression, burnout, retirements and increased competition for physician leadership talent.

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Total Compensation and Workforce Performance Surveys

Credible, comprehensive benchmarking resources designed with your organization in mind.