Workforce Insights360™

SullivanCotter's Workforce Solutions

As hospitals, health systems and medical groups look for better ways to optimize care delivery and improve performance, effectively managing the size, shape and complexity of the workforce is a key initiative.

Utilizing our proprietary Workforce Insights360™ database and technology, we combine data-driven insights, competitive analysis and customized design recommendations to inform the right solutions to support your organization’s needs.

SullivanCotter leverages the workforce demographic and organizational structure data collected in Workforce Insights360™ with the financial, performance and quality data in our Performance Analytics and Advisory Services (PAAS) database to align workforce structure with performance outcomes.

Our market-leading statistical methodology utilizes multiple regression analyses to take into consideration each client’s unique structural, financial and performance characteristics to predict the right size, shape and cost of the workforce.  This predictive modeling is combined with tabular statistics to provide clients with a robust view of market practices along with a focused view of the relationship between organizational performance and workforce structure.

Supporting Talent Strategy and Organizational Design

A well developed and clearly articulated career framework serves as an anchor to other talent programs and processes with the impact of the career architecture driven by the strength of the linkages to other workforce programs.

Creating a foundation that other programs can be easily aligned to is critical to being able to build on rewards investments to achieve the organization’s long-term workforce management objectives.

Full-scale solution that enables organizations to:

LEVELINGPlace employees into career stages and job levels to define progression
DEFINITIONDefine comparable jobs and align employees across the organization
CONSOLIDATIONBuild a consolidated job catalog across the organizations
TITLINGAnalyze titles to create consistency and recognize impact
DOCUMENTATIONEnsure job documentation is accurate and up to date
MATCHINGIdentify benchmark job matches and align with market surveys
STRUCTUREIntegrate non-benchmark jobs into the desired structure
COMPLIANCEUnderstand regulatory requirements and compliance risks

Features and Functionality

Many organizations are reconsidering historic structures and programs with the objective of reducing administrative burden, enhancing career transparency and driving greater return on human capital investments.

Designed to address the unique needs of health care organizations in a rapidly evolving environment, Workforce Insights360™ is a suite of solutions utilizing SullivanCotter's proprietary data and methodologies to provide a complete view of the workforce.


  • Auditing of data elements from HRIS, specialty code files and clinical productivity systems to identify data errors and ensure data quality
  • Alignment of all jobs into a set of standardized job family and functional hierarchies that reflect contemporary health care market practices
  • Modeling of every incumbent into a career stage and job level based on objective demographic and accountability factor profiles
  • Mapping of jobs and incumbents into SullivanCotter’s suite of survey job codes
  • Development of workforce metrics for a wide range of titles, families, levels, functions and career group combinations

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  • Become a member
  • Discuss a solution
  • Request more information

Workforce Metrics Benchmark Survey

SullivanCotter recently published its 2023 Workforce Metrics Benchmark Survey to help health care organizations understand how their workforce size, distribution and cost compares to market practices. The report includes workforce data across multiple job families, 6 career level categories and important demographic groupings.

Participate in the survey to receive access to exclusive insight and analyses!

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Dive deeper into the 2023 results

Workforce Structure

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Supports operational goals, evaluation of the cost savings associated with acquisitions, identification of retirement risks, diversity objectives, and labor expense management.

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Level Definition

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Supports the development of a workforce architecture that clarifies roles and job requirements, enables policy governance and creates a foundation for compensation benchmarking analysis

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Management Span

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Evaluating the number of direct and indirect reports for each manager can help to improve operations, align divergent staffing models, increase employee engagement and control the cost of labor.

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Title Utilization

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Supports  retention and engagement, reinforces the job leveling structure, communicates accountability levels, highlights career progression, and serves as a vehicle to attract new talent.

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Workforce Insights360™ helps organizations:
  • Develop a career architecture
  • Redefine job levels by setting objective standards and progression gates
  • Align actual job duties to external market data
  • Harmonize job codes and titles
  • Identify incumbents assigned to the incorrect job
  • Support transition to new ERP systems
  • Understand internal and market workforce demographics
  • Evaluate size of workforce against market
  • Consider how the shape of the workforce influences cost and progression
  • Assess true competitiveness of the workforce

Join a select group of leading health care organizations

Submit your workforce data to become a member! Help develop data and insights to improve compensation benchmarking and enhance workforce strategies.

Membership is complimentary and includes additional benefits such as:

  • Internal workforce dashboard analysis which provides insights into the composition of your workforce within six categories
  • Automated participation in SullivanCotter surveys which enables the redirection of staff time on other value-added initiatives
  • Annual workforce metrics report which provides aggregated workforce metrics representing the member group
  • Special member pricing on our new workforce solutions

Learn more about our innovative new Workforce Insights360TM platform

Contact SullivanCotter

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